Feta Cheese Dressing

August 28, 2023

Come with me to experience the creamiest, most velvety flavor of our delicious Feta Cheese Dressing. It’s like a dance of feta and creamy Greek yogurt, with a burst of lemon and the spiciness of garlic. Just the thought of these ingredients mixed together make me smile. This blend elevates your salads, wraps, bowls, and anything you drizzle it over. Trust me, it’s the real deal – a little homemade magic that makes every dish pop with flavor.

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Salad Lover

Salads are my daily happy place; their explosion of colors and satisfying crunch make me the happiest person. But let’s get real about dressings – that’s where the real fun kicks in. While salads pack in all that good stuff, store-bought dressings? Well, they often fall short. That’s why I’ve turned into a dressing whiz, adding my personal flair to each bite and ensuring that every mouthful is drenched in that homemade goodness.

Crafting Your Creamy Feta Cheese Dressing

Now, let’s talk about crafting this perfect creamy dressing that can instantly make any of your dishes pop out. The recipe is wonderfully straightforward – gather 160 grams of feta cheese, 160 grams of Greek yogurt, 2 garlic cloves, 60 ml of lemon juice (equivalent to about 2 lemons), 1/2 teaspoon of bold black pepper, and a pinch of salt (though feta’s natural saltiness only needs a gentle enhancement, I typically add about 1/2 teaspoon).

Combine all the ingredients in a food processor, blend until they transform into a smooth mixture. It’s truly that simple. The result? A dressing that is so velvety and tasty.

Feta Cheese Dressing

Recipe by Raquel QuevedoCourse: Dips and Dressings


Prep time






  • 160 mg feta cheese

  • 160 mg full fat Greek yogurt

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

  • 60 ml fresh lemon juice (about 2 lemons, but be careful, some lemons carry more juice than others. You don’t want it to get too runny).

  • Salt to taste – 1/2 teaspoon is usually enough as the feta cheese is already salty.


  • Add all ingredients to a food processor.
  • Process until smooth.
  • Adjust salt to taste.

Please be aware that the information provided with this recipe is intended solely for general informational purposes. While we have tried to accurately test this recipe and present precise measurements and instructions, individual results may vary due to differences in ingredient types, cooking equipment, or preparation techniques.The nutritional information accompanying this recipe is not intended as dietary or medical advice. For any specific health or nutritional inquiries, please consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional. We disclaim any liability for inaccuracies or misrepresentation of the provided information. We encourage users to approach this recipe with a mindful understanding that cooking is both an art and a science, and to use their best judgment in the kitchen.

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