Looking for a healthy and refreshing beverage to quench your thirst? Look no further than this Homemade Ginger Ale made with fresh ginger and lemon, and no cooking involved!
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If you’re a fan of a strong ginger taste, you have to try making your own at home! It’s super easy and way better for you than those sugary store-bought sodas. The combination of fresh ginger and zesty lemon makes for a delicious and refreshing drink that’s perfect for hot summer days (or any day, really). Plus, ginger and lemon both have awesome health benefits – like improving digestion and giving your immune system a boost. This recipe uses all natural ingredients, so you can enjoy all the good stuff that ginger and lemon have to offer without any weird additives. My family is totally obsessed with this homemade ginger ale – once you try it, you will be too!

Most ginger ales are made with boiled ginger and sugar, but we like to keep things raw and real with this recipe. It lets the strong ginger taste shine through and pairs perfectly with the refreshing lemon flavor. And the best part? It’s a hit with the whole family! I love being able to give my kids something they enjoy that’s also good for them. So why not give it a go? Trust me, your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!
If you find the ginger taste in the homemade ginger ale to be too strong for your liking, don’t worry! You can easily adjust the recipe to your taste. Simply add more sparkling water to dilute the ginger flavor, and a little more stevia or maple syrup to balance the sweetness. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the perfect balance for you.
Homemade Ginger Ale – Natural and Healthy
Difficulty: Easy6
130 grams of fresh ginger (approximately 1.5 cups)
1/2 cup lemon juice (3 lemons)
4-6 tablespoons of maple syrup or 3-4 packets of stevia
1.2 liters of sparkling water
3/4 cup water
- Remove most of the skin from the fresh ginger
- Cut the ginger root into pieces
- Add the ginger pieces to a blender, and add 3/4 cup water.
- Blend well
- Strain the ginger mixture through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer into a bowl or a large measuring cup
- Add the lemon juice and Stevia (or maple syrup) to ginger juice, mix well to combine.
- Transfer this mixture to a pitcher or jar.
- Add sparkling water
- Serve over ice, garnished with lemon slices or fresh mint leaves, if desired.
We provide the information accompanying this recipe for your general knowledge only. We’ve thoroughly tested the recipe to ensure accuracy in measurements and instructions. However, individual results may vary due to the variability in ingredient types, cooking equipment, and preparation methods. You should not treat the nutritional information as dietary or medical advice. It is best to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for specific health or nutritional concerns. We accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations of the information we provide. When using this recipe, please remember that cooking is both an art and a science, and we encourage you to trust your judgment and enjoy the culinary journey.