Looking for a refreshing and satisfying smoothie to kickstart your day? Look no further than this Blueberry Protein Smoothie! With a base of frozen blueberries, vanilla protein powder, and creamy almond milk, this smoothie is packed with protein and antioxidants to keep you feeling full and energized.

This blueberry protein smoothie is my go-to when I need an extra boost of protein in my day. But what really sets this smoothie apart is adding one banana and only 1/2 cup of your milk of choice. Trust me, it adds the perfect creaminess that you won’t find in your average protein shake. I’m not a fan of watery drinks, so this smoothie hits the spot with its thick and creamy texture. Made with frozen blueberries, vanilla protein powder, ice, and almond milk, it’s a delicious and nutritious way to start your day or power through your afternoon. Give it a try and thank me later!
What You Will Need to Make this Blueberry Protein Smoothie:
- Frozen blueberries
- Your favorite vanilla flavored protein powder
- Banana
- Almond milk (or any type of milk you enjoy)
- Ice
- Your favorite granola

Blueberry Bliss
I love having frozen fruit in my freezer, it makes it easy to whip up a delicious and healthy smoothie anytime! Blueberries are a superfood in every sense of the word. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them a great addition to any diet. Plus, they taste amazing! Using frozen blueberries in this smoothie not only adds a delicious sweetness but also makes it easy to have this healthy snack on hand at all times. And the best part? You can enjoy all the benefits of fresh blueberries without worrying about them going bad. So go ahead, add those blueberries to your smoothie and give your body the nutrition it deserves!
You might also like my High Protein Strawberry Smoothie without any addition of protein powder.
Blueberry Protein Smoothie
Course: UncategorizedDifficulty: Easy1
kcalCalories does not include granola.
1 cup frozen Blueberries
1 banana
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop protein powder
1/2 cup of ice
2 tablespoons granola (optional)
- Add all ingredients except granola to a high speed blender.
- Blend until completely smooth.
- Pour in a cup (or a bowl).
- Add granola on top and enjoy!
- You can also add some fresh blueberries over the granola if you have them on hand.
We provide the information accompanying this recipe for your general knowledge only. We’ve thoroughly tested the recipe to ensure accuracy in measurements and instructions. However, individual results may vary due to the variability in ingredient types, cooking equipment, and preparation methods. You should not treat the nutritional information as dietary or medical advice. It is best to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for specific health or nutritional concerns. We accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations of the information we provide. When using this recipe, please remember that cooking is both an art and a science, and we encourage you to trust your judgment and enjoy the culinary journey.